Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Green Schools @ South West

Ribena Project (June 2009)

This project was a project which required the whole school's effort as we needed a lot of Ribena bottles and packs. Pupils and teachers chipped in by bringing in empty Ribena bottles and packs for us to build our sculptures.

7 pupils participated in this project, 3 pupils in Team 1 and 4 pupils in Team 2. They had to build their sculpture on the spot at Sentosa on 6th June 2009.

The pupils put in a lot of effort trying to come up with a "skeleton" for their sculptures in school before the competition.

They worked very hard at Sentosa too! It was a very hot day but the girls were very determined to finish their sculpture!

The end product for Team 1 was a sculpture of a "Ribena-flavoured lollipop" while Team 2 built a "House of the berries" (Note the 5 Ribena blackcurrants outside the house! The pupils loved them a lot!)

A photo with the mascot after the competition ended.

Environment Week (April 2009)

Environment Week was scheduled from the 20th April - 24th April 2009. It was a fabulous, fun and activity-filled week at Dazhong Primary School.

The week started with a Environment talk on Dengue 3Rs by Ecosg.

Earth Day was on 22nd April 2009. On this day, the Junior Environment Ambassadors (JEAs) of our school had their investiture to signify the importance of Earth Day. The JEAs pledged to do their best to help "Save the Environment".

Game booths were set-up by JEAs to allow their fellow schoolmates have fun and at the same time be able to know that they can have fun while saving the Environment as all the materials used for the games were recyclables! The JEAs had fun themselves too!

There was also an Environment/ Art exhibition held whereby pupils' work were showcased. The artwork displayed brings out the message that it is definitely important to Save our Earth, and that EVERYBODY can do their part!

A recycling box design competition was also organised for the Primary 1 and Primary 2 classes. All the pupils put in their best effort to decorate the recycling box placed in their class. Take a look at the Top Three entries!

Green Schools Talks (March/April)

Environment talks were conducted by Ecosg for Green Schools Programme.

The first talk on Public Health (Litter-free environment, clean public toliets) was held on 2nd March 2009.

The second talk on Environmental Protection (3Rs) was held on 20th April 2009.

NEQ (April 2009)

Three pupils participated in the National Environment Quiz held at Nan Hua High School on 18th April 2009.

The pupils also tried out some of the games they had on that day. They really had fun and won some prizes!

JEA Training (March 2009)

18 JEAs from our school went for a training session organised by National Environment Agency (NEA) on 19th March 2009.

Gathering at the school concourse and getting ready to go...

At the training session, the JEAs were to work with other JEAs from other schools to come up with a skit performance. Our pupils learnt teamwork while discussing and rehearsing with the other pupils, and also the importance of caring for our Environment through their skits.

Capitaland Talk (Feb 2009)

CapitaLand talk for the "Green for Hope" project on 12th February 2009

Green for Hope (Sep - Dec 2008)

The "Green for Hope" project launched by CapitaLand in conjunction with CapitaLand Hope Foundation aims to create greater awareness on the importance of recycling to pupils and encourage everyone to play a part by minimising and recycling waste.

For every kilogram of waste that the school recycles, CapitaLand Hope Foundation will donate $2 to the school’s welfare fund for underprivileged students.

Pupils and staff have contributed greatly to this project. Recycling bins and points were set up for the collection of recyclables.

Monday, June 15, 2009

LOO campaign (Nov 2008)

19th November 2008 was World Toliet Day and the Restroom Association of Singapore held the LOO campaign at the Singapore Zoological Gardens.

A teacher and pupil representative attended the event on this day, whereby the pupil received his prize for his P2 essay writing competition on Clean Toliets which was held earlier in August.

There were a total of 3 consolation prizes (among 15 consolation prizes) that the school received for the mentioned competition.