Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Environment Week (April 2009)

Environment Week was scheduled from the 20th April - 24th April 2009. It was a fabulous, fun and activity-filled week at Dazhong Primary School.

The week started with a Environment talk on Dengue 3Rs by Ecosg.

Earth Day was on 22nd April 2009. On this day, the Junior Environment Ambassadors (JEAs) of our school had their investiture to signify the importance of Earth Day. The JEAs pledged to do their best to help "Save the Environment".

Game booths were set-up by JEAs to allow their fellow schoolmates have fun and at the same time be able to know that they can have fun while saving the Environment as all the materials used for the games were recyclables! The JEAs had fun themselves too!

There was also an Environment/ Art exhibition held whereby pupils' work were showcased. The artwork displayed brings out the message that it is definitely important to Save our Earth, and that EVERYBODY can do their part!

A recycling box design competition was also organised for the Primary 1 and Primary 2 classes. All the pupils put in their best effort to decorate the recycling box placed in their class. Take a look at the Top Three entries!

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